Use Your Resources!

Here you will find access to a list of the CIS & Business Analytics department’s resources and other exclusive involvements.

Mathematics Peer Study Program

There is a peer study program for MSU Denver students taking MTH 1080, MTH 1110, MTH 1112 and MTH 1310. It is designed to provide a structured environment of small groups where students will study and receive help from an instructor. Studying together is one of the best ways to learn, and the MPSP has been extremely successful in helping students learn the course material and develop self-confidence. Most of all, students who have participated enjoy the material more and have a high rate of success in their corresponding math class.

The College of Business Tutoring Lab

Two students in the College of Business Tutoring Lab

Tutoring for the Business Core Courses (ACC 2010, ACC 2020, CIS 3300, CIS 3320, FIN 3300) are offered in the College of Business Tutoring Lab. It’s normally located in Admin Building, suite 210, but while campus is closed, these services are now offered online:

Click here for more information about using the MSU Denver Tutoring Center. Or check out the specific College of Business tutoring schedule.

If you need assistance with other business courses, please contact the Tutoring Center at 303-615-1919, or [email protected]; or visit us in the Student Success Building, room 220. 

The Assessment and Testing Center

The Assessment and Testing Center at MSCD administers assessment exams in three areas: Writing, Mathematics, and Reading. Students must take all three exams in order to fulfill the minimum requirements for entrance to college level courses, or must be able to provide adequate ACT Scores. Please note that the scores from these exams are used to assist advisors and students in selecting appropriate course work. A link to each test is hereafter provided together with sample test information and exam location. After viewing the schedule please note the session you want to register for and then call 303-575-5880.

The Writing Center

A service available to all Metro students who want to improve their writing. The mission of the MSCD Writing Center is an instructional one. Rather than providing editing and proof reading service, the tutors help students to become more independent, more confident, more competent writers. That work is accomplished best when students come to the center on a regular basis for on-going work with the same tutor who is then able to diagnose particular students’ problems and to help them deal with those concerns.

Students come to the center as the result of informal referrals or advice from the faculty, staff, or peers; after hearing about the Writing Center in a class orientation session; through formal written referrals by instructors or other staff; and through finding us on their own to seek help that they perceive they need. The Center maintains thorough computer records about all clients and each of their visits.