2024-2025 Faculty Senate Executive Committee

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee consists of the Faculty Senate Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary), the Caucus Chairs, the faculty trustee, the CFAC representative, the Graduate Council representative, and the chairpersons of all standing committees or their designees. The last person to serve as president of the Senate prior to the incumbent shall be a member of the Executive Committee ex-officio, with vote, for a period of one year following their presidency.


Liz Goodnick

Dr. Liz Goodnick


[email protected]
Michele Clark head shot

Michele Clark

Vice President

[email protected]
Faculty Senate

Dr. Bill Carnes


[email protected]

Faculty Trustee
Ann Obermann, [email protected]

Colorado Faculty Advisory Council Representative
Arlene Sgoutas, [email protected]

Faculty Senate Representative on the Graduate Council
Zsuzsa Balogh, [email protected]

Rosemarie Allen, [email protected]



Caucus Chairs

Applied Sciences
Zsuzsa Balogh, [email protected]

Arts and Humanities 
Andreea Prundeanu-Thrower, [email protected]

College of Business 
Lyudmyla Starostyuk, [email protected]

Ann Obermann, [email protected]

Math & Sciences
Grant Denn, [email protected]

Social Sciences 
Dan Moore, [email protected]



Committee Chairs

Academic Policies
Brenden Kendall, [email protected]

Kristina Kesselring, [email protected]

Zsuzsa Balogh, [email protected]

Ethic Studies and Social Justice 
Sonny Dhoot, [email protected]

Faculty Diversity 
Shalini Srinivasan, [email protected]

Faculty Excellence Awards 
Lisa Suter, [email protected]

Faculty Welfare 
Julian Friedland, [email protected]

General Studies
Dan Pittman [email protected]

Professional Leave
Eileen Starr, [email protected]

Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion
Jane Chapman Vigil

Katrina Little, [email protected]

Student Affairs
Biff Baker, [email protected]

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee meets on the opposite weeks from Faculty Senate from 3:30-5 p.m. in JSSB 350A. For meeting information, visit:

Faculty Senate Meetings