Dress Code

Student employees should dress in a manner suitable for work in an institution of higher education. Supervisors and departments may instate their own dress code for student employees. It is suggested the following attire should not be worn at work: exceptionally short skirts and shorts, yoga pants, revealing tops for men and women (camisole, halter tops, tube tops, mesh, midriff baring and/or sheer), low cut revealing pants or t-shirts with offensive logos or slogans.

Work Environment

Hints for creating a positive work environment

  • Supervisors should express their appreciation for the hard work of their student employees:
    • Supervisors can develop a recognition program within their office
      (Certificates signifying a student employee of the month/week, a “Caught in the Act” certificate for those “caught” doing a fantastic job or a certificate for exceptional attendance.)
    • Have a student employee bulletin board with pictures of student employees in the department and public recognition of their accomplishments in and out of the office.
    • Include student employees in departmental celebration.
  • Make student employees feel important and a valuable part of the team.
  • Outline procedures and expectations clearly
  • Set a positive example of professional, ethical, and polite behavior.
  • Give student employees the tools they need to succeed.
  • Treat the student employees as you would want to be treated.
  • Be firm, yet flexible
  • Be considerate, supportive, and sensitive to the student’s personal and academic needs.
  • Have regular staff meetings with the student employees to let them know what is going on in the apartment that may affect them.
  • Give special recognition to graduating students.
  • Address problems as they arise-do not let them fester and grow.
  • Offer reduced hours during finals, midterms, and papers.
  • Please remember student employees are students first. If a conflict arises between their job and their academics, academics come first and foremost.

Forms and Guidelines