CLEP Testing

The Testing Services office offers CLEP proctoring services for MSU Denver students. Students attending other institutions are also welcome to schedule CLEP appointments with MSU Denver Testing Services.

Step One: Determine which CLEP exam fits your needs

Students may consult with a Prior Learning Specialist for questions about which CLEP exams are appropriate for their academic goals using this address: [email protected]

Students may also consult with an academic advisor or with an academic department regarding selection of appropriate CLEP exams.

Additional details about CLEP credit can be found in the University Catalog, click here to learn more.

Students from other schools should consult with their institution regarding selection of appropriate CLEP exams.

Step Two: Purchase a CLEP test registration ticket and prepare for your exam

Purchase a test voucher from CLEP’s website. See to get started. Be sure to purchase the specific test for your needs based on your conversation with the Prior Learning Specialist or an academic advisor. MSU Denver students should choose MSU Denver as the score recipient to ensure CLEP reports the exam results to the correct institution. CLEP candidates must present a printed copy of their test voucher at the time of their exam appointment.

Prepare for your CLEP exam:

CLEP’s website offers practice exams and preparation materials, or contact CLEP at 1.800.257.9558

Free self-paced CLEP exam preparation courses available at:

CLEP Practice App:

Step Three: Take your CLEP exam

Students must pre-schedule CLEP exam appointments. After purchasing a CLEP test voucher, contact Testing Services at 303-615-1700 to set an exam appointment. The Testing Center recommends scheduling at least two weeks in advance of your desired test date.

When reporting for a CLEP appointment students must bring:

  1. A printed copy of the CLEP test registration ticket (purchased from CLEP)
  2. A valid, government issued photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport. Questions about ID policy can be made by calling 1.800.257.9558 or e-mailing [email protected]
  3. A $30.00 seat fee. The seat fee is due at the time of your CLEP appointment, payable in cash, MC, Visa, American Express or Discover